CoPilot Training Materials

Whether you’re using CoPilot on the web portal or the app, our training materials will help you make the most of this innovative tool and support patients on their journey to recovery.
And if you have any questions along the way, be sure to check out our FAQs section for helpful answers and tips. Thanks for choosing CoPilot!

Available Training Material
Web Portal Material
Quick Reference Guide
How to add a participant
How to send messages to participants
How to add a Research Assistant
Web Portal Material
Quick Reference Guide
How to add a participant
How to send messages to participants
How to add a Research Assistant
Web Portal Material
Quick Reference Guide
How to add a participant
How to send messages to participants
How to add a Research Assistant
Mobile App Material
App Onboarding process
How to install CoPilot in iPhone devices
How to install CoPilot in Android devices
QR codes to install the App
Mobile App Material
App Onboarding process
How to install CoPilot in iPhone devices
How to install CoPilot in Android devices
QR codes to install the App
Mobile App Material
App Onboarding process
How to install CoPilot in iPhone devices
How to install CoPilot in Android devices
QR codes to install the App
FAQs for Participants
FAQs for Research Assistants
FAQs for Participants
FAQs for Research Assistants
FAQs for Participants
FAQs for Research Assistants
Additional questions
Additional questions
Additional questions
Web Portal Material
Adding a Research Assistant
Adding a Research Assistant
Adding a Research Assistant
Mobile App Material
FAQs for Participants
I mistakenly deleted the CoPilot app, what should I do?
The app is not working, what should I do?
How do I update the app?
How can I contact support or my treatment team if I have a problem with the app?
How can I withdraw my consent for the app?
What if I withdraw consent and change my mind later?
How can I delete my account and all associated data from the app?
Can I use the app offline?
Is my data secure?
What happens after the study is finished?
FAQs for Participants
I mistakenly deleted the CoPilot app, what should I do?
The app is not working, what should I do?
How do I update the app?
How can I contact support or my treatment team if I have a problem with the app?
How can I withdraw my consent for the app?
What if I withdraw consent and change my mind later?
How can I delete my account and all associated data from the app?
Can I use the app offline?
Is my data secure?
What happens after the study is finished?
FAQs for Participants
I mistakenly deleted the CoPilot app, what should I do?
The app is not working, what should I do?
How do I update the app?
How can I contact support or my treatment team if I have a problem with the app?
How can I withdraw my consent for the app?
What if I withdraw consent and change my mind later?
How can I delete my account and all associated data from the app?
Can I use the app offline?
Is my data secure?
What happens after the study is finished?
FAQs for Research Assistants
The participant mistakenly deleted the CoPilot app, what should they do?
The app is not working, what should I do?
How should a participant update the app?
How can a participant contact support if they have a problem with the app?
What should I do if I can’t access a web portal?
I forgot my password, how can I request a new password?
I made a mistake while registering a participant, how can I modify or delete it?
I found a mistake in the web portal, how can I report it?
Is the participant data secure?
What happens after the study is finished?
FAQs for Research Assistants
The participant mistakenly deleted the CoPilot app, what should they do?
The app is not working, what should I do?
How should a participant update the app?
How can a participant contact support if they have a problem with the app?
What should I do if I can’t access a web portal?
I forgot my password, how can I request a new password?
I made a mistake while registering a participant, how can I modify or delete it?
I found a mistake in the web portal, how can I report it?
Is the participant data secure?
What happens after the study is finished?
FAQs for Research Assistants
The participant mistakenly deleted the CoPilot app, what should they do?
The app is not working, what should I do?
How should a participant update the app?
How can a participant contact support if they have a problem with the app?
What should I do if I can’t access a web portal?
I forgot my password, how can I request a new password?
I made a mistake while registering a participant, how can I modify or delete it?
I found a mistake in the web portal, how can I report it?
Is the participant data secure?
What happens after the study is finished?
Didn’t find your question?
Please contact us in case you have additional questions.